Our Services
Recycling Program
Here at the South Perth Demolition Company we pride ourselves on averaging one truckload of landfill per demolition job minimising unwanted landfill. Under our Recycling Friendly Demolition program we make every effort to salvage and recycle 90% of waste demolition materials.
Let me tell you how it works...
On residential and commercial demolition jobs we handpick and strip out any salvageable bricks, roof tiles, timber, windows and doors in good condition and pass them on to local salvage yards who run a green recycling program in Perth, Western Australia.
If timber is not in good condition it is converted and used for mulch. Anything else that is not recyclable such as broken bricks and concrete is crushed and used for roadbase. Our environmentally friendly recycling program sees us recycle about 90% of demolished materials from a job site. Good for you and good for the environment.
If timber is not in good condition it is converted and used for mulch. Anything else that is not recyclable such as broken bricks and concrete is crushed and used for roadbase. Our environmentally friendly recycling program sees us recycle about 90% of demolished materials from a job site. Good for you and good for the environment.